An overview of our services
Our range of services includes complete engineering services in the fields of object planning for engineering structures and traffic facilities, structural planning for engineering structures and in building construction, services in the specialist fields of construction supervision and site management as well as visualisation.

Engineering structures
With the development of modern transport systems over the past 50 years and the growing mobilization of modern life, the need for efficient transport routes including the associated engineering structures has increased.
Designing sophisticated structures while keeping an eye on the economic efficiency of the chosen construction types / materials as well as upgrading existing structures to the extent that they meet the requirements of today's traffic requires a creative as well as cost-conscious approach. We have proven this in numerous major projects as well as our participation in design competitions.
Our employees have the necessary know-how, creativity, commitment and perseverance to plan and realize complex construction projects of various sizes in the field of structural engineering / traffic route construction.

Traffic facilities
With the development of modern transportation systems over the past 50 years and the growing mobilization of modern life, the need for efficient traffic routes has increased.
A traffic facility is a structural or technical facility that must be efficient and safe to enable smooth traffic on land, water and in the air.
In addition to traffic routes, this includes the following traffic facilities:
- Nodes
- Traffic signs, traffic lights, signals
- Directional signage
- Parking and waiting facilities (parking lots, parking spaces, carports, garages, parking garages, storage spaces)
- Interfaces also with different modes of transport – stops, stations, ports and airports.
- Park-and-ride facilities and platform facilities
- Special equipment

Site management/construction supervision
The constructional implementation of the project takes place on the basis of a detailed design. Construction supervision is responsible for ensuring compliance with the planning specifications during construction and for intervening in the event of disruptions. Construction supervision is also the link between the client and the contractor. The cost control before, during and at the end of the construction measures is an essential field of activity.
We are in a position to implement complete monitoring services from the ground-breaking ceremony to the defect-free acceptance of the building, both from a technical, economic and contractual point of view.
In this way, we have been able to successfully realize a large number of very demanding construction projects in recent years through experienced specialists in highway, bridge, tunnel and hydraulic engineering.

Building and industrial construction
In large construction projects today, a strong subdivision of the architect's scope of work is unavoidable. Here we have specialized in structural design in the overall project. Only in cooperation with all project participants an effective project progress with the result of an economic and aesthetic building can be achieved. As structural engineers, we support architects in implementing their design ideas. Also with a view to the entire life cycle, we design load-bearing structures that contain as few fixed points as possible in order to enable a flexible building structure with regard to later changes in floor plan or reuse without major structural interventions. Resource-saving, sustainable and durable dimensioning of the structural members is a matter of course for us.

3D visualizations enable an optimal presentation and a better understanding of spatial relationships. Therefore, especially in decision-making processes and in problem solving, visualization methods are of considerable importance. Complex projects as well as projects of high public interest can be presented more convincingly through the medium of computer-aided presentation.
For sophisticated presentations, 360° renderings (video films) are often created, which make it possible to visualize or check the planned final state already in the design stage of the plans by movements in three-dimensional space.
Road Master Plan – Homs, Syria
Scope of service:
Bypass – Damascus, Syria
Scope of service:
Industrial/commercial area “Goldene Aue” – Nordhausen, Germany
Scope of service:
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We are happy to assist you with project inquiries. Both in the field of structural and industrial engineering as well as for other engineering planning services we are your partner.